Here’s how you can indulge in part-time jobs in Malaysia

Whether you are a student or a professional looking to make some extra cash in your spare hours, working part-time is a great source of income.

Part-time jobs in Malaysia are available across a wide range of career choices. And, you can start as young as age 14 to try and find which part-time opportunities suit you best according to your needs.

If you are a student, you can work for up to a maximum of 20 hours in a week, while on your semester breaks. For international students working part-time jobs in Malaysia, the Malaysian Immigration Department has set down specific rules on the kind of sectors and positions provided to them. You can only work in restaurants, petrol kiosks, mini markets and hotels.

If you are a professional seeking part-time jobs in Malaysia, you can choose to expand from your existing domain of work or explore a completely different career. This is a great way to explore the alternative career choice you might have had in your mind. Even as a new parent, working part-time or from home are great options for a healthier work-life balance.

The most common part-time jobs in Malaysia

·       Creative fields such as writing, designing and photography 
If you are a student and want to get an early start into careers such as writing or designing (graphic designing or fashion designing), starting part-time is a great way of gaining exposure on top of the money. This also gives you an edge when you start writing full-time as you would have a ready sample of your works to show your employer.

Now, if you are already a working professional, and want to build on your hobby of writing, there’s a lot of scope for you as well. Many clients ask for sample works when hiring part-time as well as freelance writers. So, it’s a good idea to have a personal blog or a portfolio of your best ideas. Once you have a wide enough network of clients for business, you will automatically start generating a lot more work and money.

·       Teaching and daycare centers
If you are good with kids and have a knack for explaining things effectively and patiently, being a part-time tutor is a satisfying option. Children’s daycare centers are one of the most common employers of part-time tutors and caretakers. Malaysia has lot of working parents who send their children to full day kids’ centers or after school. This is a noble choice of part-time jobs in Malaysia for those looking to contribute in the growth of the next generation.

·       Multiple fields
There are a number of fields that hire part-time assistants on a regular basis. The most common among these are administration, customer support or call centers, data entry, store keeping, restaurants and petrol bunks.

If you are looking to get a head start into your career or restart your career in another direction, part-time jobs in Malaysia have a lot to offer. Make your first move with, and find better part-time opportunities, faster.
(US English for Malaysia)

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